Biblical Counseling & Temperament Therapy
Our unique counseling approach helps you Embrace Who You Were Created To Be
Our Services
Life Focus Center provides a variety of specialized counseling and support
services to individuals struggling with various issues and concerns.
For Individuals, Couples and Families
Life Focus Center's counselors are trained in Temperament Therapy and have over 20 years of combined experience dealing with depression, anxiety, addiction, relationship issues, and adolescent counseling. Our distinct approach using Temperament Therapy along with Biblical counseling, has been shown to have over 90% success when administered by a person trained in this counseling technique.
Support through Community
Life Focus Center offers therapy groups. Each of Life Focus Center's therapy groups are led by a qualified group facilitator. The format varies based on the topic and expected duration of the group. Some groups meet for a specific period of time to discuss a book or relevant study guide, while others are open-ended with no set timeline. Learn more about current groups offered and sign up online.
The Mission of Life Focus Center is to bring healing to individuals and restoration to relationships.
Building a healthy relationship with Jesus to have a healthy relationship with others and self.
Empathy/ Compassion
All our counselors have experienced their own challenges and trials in life equipping them with empathy and compassion for the struggles of others.
We believe that God created each of us uniquely and therefore each individual will respond differently to their environment, others and situations. Accepting the individual that God created is sometimes the beginning of healing.
We take care in making sure all information shared is kept between you and the LFC Counselor. Confidentiality is of utmost importance.
The ultimate goal in our counseling is to bring healing of your mind, body and spirit.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
Watch our engaging and informative YouTube channel for a wide array of valuable mental health resources, including tips, advice, and strategies to help you navigate and improve your mental well-being. Subscribe today to stay updated on the latest content and join our growing community of individuals dedicated to promoting mental health awareness and support.
Moorestown Location
301 N. Church Street, Suite 101
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Galloway NJ Location
733 E. Lily Lake Rd. Galloway, NJ 08205
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Insurance Policy:
LFC does not accept insurance, however you can submit forms to your insurance company for possible reimbursement.