Our Counselors are passionate about healing relationships. We offer Pastoral Counseling in the areas described below.
Individual Therapy Couples Therapy Family Therapy SYMBIS Therapy Support Groups Financial Coaching Life Coaching Prayer & Inner Healing Wellness & Fitness
Life Focus Center's counselors are trained in Temperament Therapy and have over 20 years of combined experience dealing with depression, anxiety, addiction, relationship issues, and adolescent counseling.
Our distinct approach using Temperament Therapy along with Biblical counseling, has been shown to have over 90% success when administered by a person trained in this counseling technique.
Individual Therapy
Individual counseling may encompass counseling, from career planning to grief counseling. Individual counseling is a one-on-one discussion between the counselor and the client, seeking treatment.
Couples Therapy
Couples counseling attempts to improve romantic relationships and resolve interpersonal conflicts. We use Biblical principles of marriage and follow its parameters as our ultimate goal.
Family Therapy
Family counseling, brings together the members of a family as a group and is similar to group counseling.
Family counseling is focused on addressing and resolving family issues with the goal of restoring family dynamics.
Life Focus Center offers therapy groups. Each of Life Focus Center's therapy groups are led by a qualified group facilitator. The format varies based on the topic and expected duration of the group.
Some groups meet for a specific period of time to discuss a book or relevant study guide, while others are open-ended with no set timeline. Learn more about current groups offered and sign up online.
Restoring Hope, Healing Relationships
Financial coaching services offer hand-held guidance to understanding the foundational aspects of managing your personal finances. Following this plan can help you have a better relationship with your money by developing a clear financial path and setting up positive, life-long habits.
Our Coach has completed the Financial Coach Master Training from Dave Ramsey solutions and is a Financial Peace University coordinator.
Created by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrot, SYMBIS is an online tool that allows engaged or newly married couples (or even couples who have been married for a while!) take an assessment. The assessment has many questions about personality, upbringing, attitudes towards money, sex, and much, much more. These question then produce a report about your individual tendencies and compares them to your future or current partner.
As SYMBUS Facilitators we receive the results and together we talk about areas of individual growth or improvement that each person needs to work on. We also discuss what they need to work in within the confines of the relationship.
Created by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrot, SYMBIS is an online tool that allows engaged or newly married couples (or even couples who have been married for a while!) to take the assessment. The assessment has many questions about personality, upbringing, attitudes towards money, sex, and much, much more. These questions produce a report about your individual tendencies and compares them to your future or current partner.
As SYMBIS Facilitators we receive the results and together we talk about areas of individual growth or improvement that each person needs to work on. We also discuss what couples will need to work in within the confines of the relationship.
Life Coaching is about reaching your maximum potential and living the life that God created you to live. Coaching will help you with vision, purpose, destiny, passion, change, growth, and fulfillment.
Life Coaching will help individuals and couples reach specific goals by identifying strengths to build on and weaknesses to overcome! With Life Coaching you will complete a temperament analysis test which is one of the most accurate tools available to help identify your greatest strengths and find ways to transform your weakness into strengths.
Inner healing is the work of the Holy Spirit healing a person’s inner man, soul and spirit, so we can be reconciled to God. The body was created by God to house our spirit and our spirit is eternal and God-breathed. Our soul is formed by our reaction to life’s experiences, both good and bad. Out of those experiences, we develop patterns of response to life and those in it. If not healed, we can develop a pattern of habits that can wound us and those in our lives. Through prayer we will search for the root to break alignments with attitudes, judgements, and inner vows, as well as forgiveness, that will help lead you into freedom.
Moorestown Location
301 N. Church Street, Suite 101
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Galloway NJ Location
733 E. Lily Lake Rd. Galloway, NJ 08205
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Insurance Policy:
LFC does not accept insurance, however you can submit forms to your insurance company for possible reimbursement.