Health Coaching

Faith-Based Coaching for Your Body, Mind & Spirit

Walking in Wellness Health Coaching

Joann Maybury - Christian Health Coach
Revelation Wellness Instructor / Yoga Faith Teacher

Transform your Body, Mind & Spirit Today!

Jumpstart your health journey! Contact Me Today we’ll get back to you to schedule a time to start coaching.

Walking In Wellness Offers

Coaching for Your Body, Mind & Spirit

One on One Coaching

TWELVE 1 hour Weekly Meetings 12 Step Program

  • Weekly Emails
  • Email summaries after every call including action plan
  • Email/FB msg/- coaching access for 12 weeks- Accountability check-ins, resources provided, recipe suggested.

$840 ($744 if registered with first payment by Aug. 1; 3 payments of $248)

One on One Coaching

SIX 1 hour Meetings- every other week
12 Step Program

  • Weekly Emails
  • Email summaries after every call including action plan
  • Email/FB msg/- coaching access for 12 weeks - Accountability check-ins, resources provided, recipes suggested.


Small Group Coaching

Twelve 1 hour Weekly Meetings 12 Step Program

  • Weekly Emails
  • Email summaries after every meeting including a personal action plan you create during our meeting.
  • Private FB group with - Accountability check-ins, resources provided, recipes suggested.

$497 ($397 if registered with first payment by Aug. 1 or 3 payments of $132)

Tailored & Personalized Health Plans for a Stronger Body and Overall Wellness...One Step at a Time

As a wellness coach I serve those who are tired of diets and feeling unhealthy, tired of not having the energy to live out their purpose, tired of trying to figure out what that purpose even is!

I help others who have struggled for years with dieting, weight cycling, body shame, trying to use food and exercise to change their body and health, but are left feeling frustrated and defeated.

God has called me to walk alongside others, addressing the health of their hearts, minds and bodies, providing them with the tools necessary to help them live out the calling He has on their lives with as much energy and health that is available to them.

Together, Let’s “Fan into Flame” the Gifts God has given you, walking in the fullness of heart, mind and body as you live the life of abundance Jesus has for you!

 Faith-Based Wellness Coaching

My clients and I work together to choose foods that they enjoy and are best for their body. I provide nutritional information that will help to strengthen immune systems and support overall health by eating real, fresh, whole foods.

It is  powerful when my clients say, "I have been on so many diets, but bringing God along with me on this journey has made the difference. The spiritual aspect of your coaching has been a powerful game changer for me. I feel like God has been saying to me, 'I'm healing things inside of you that you didn't even know were there".

I witnessed a transformation in him as his mind was renewed!

Starting Coaching

In John 10:10, Jesus told his disciples that “The thief comes to kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it to the full.” “Living Life to the Full”, includes living in the abundance that God intended us to live…

Living a life of abundance is not achieved by the foods we put on our plate, the number we see when we step on a scale, the size of our body, or the type of exercise program we do… it is through our relationship with God that we are able to live our lives to the fullness of what God has for us. .God desires that we open our hearts to receive and rest in His love for us.

Together, my clients and I identify negative thoughts as lies that limit us and replace them with the truth of what God says. We were each created in God’s image - “fearfully and wonderfully made” by the awesome Creator of the Universe. We are Uniquely designed -have incredible worth, created lovingly, personally, and specifically on purpose, for a purpose! God created our minds… and When we are IN HIM , Ephesians 4:22 and 23 tells us to “put o our old self and be renewed in the spirit of our minds.”

When we come to know God personally through a relationship with Jesus, His Son, we become His children. Scripture tells us “We are His joy and the delight of His Heart!” God loves us just the way we are and experiencing His love, living life with Him, I believe, is the foundation of living life to the full.

The Bible often refers to this journey with Him as our Walk. Acts 17:28 says that IN HIM we live and move and have our being! When we are “IN HIM” we are walking in THE best possible Wellness we can have! Knowing Him is a life long process and one that is not a sprint, but a marathon, taking one step at a time!

When we invite God to lead, guide, and strengthen us on our journey towards living a life of abundance, and when we decide to follow Jesus, He will lead us on the path of hope, healing and freedom, I am here to serve those who desire to walk in the abundant life we have access to as we live out our lives on purpose, for a purpose,

Read More about my wellness approach

Coach Joann Maybury

I would love to hear from you.

I believe to make positive changes in our health, it is essential to accept and love ourselves in our current state. When we evaluate the choices we make, it is necessary to do so from a place of love, grace, and acceptance for who God made us to be, not the shame and guilt of choices, past or present.

Use the form below to start coaching.

Walking IN Wellness... One Step at a time!...No turning back!

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