Growing up in the Catholic Church, I learned a prayer as a child. The words became repetitive and rote and they never had much significance…until now.
I am currently enrolled in a course through my church. We are given assignments which involve reading various books, watching videos and writing papers. One of my latest assignments was to take a look at this prayer and pray it for 15 minutes a day for 7 days.
On day 1, I didn’t get past the first two words. Day 2, the same thing happened. By Day 3, I knew something was happening deep in my soul. These are the first two words….Our Father.
Father takes on a different meaning for different people. For me the word “father” brought up negative memories. As an adult, I began taking my faith more seriously and now that I looked at God as the Father, I couldn’t grasp the concept that He was “my” Father.
As I prayed those first two words, I felt for the first time that God was my Father. The revelation hit me that Jesus, God’s only son, gave us this prayer. He told His disciples, “This is how you should pray…” He could’ve begun His prayer with just the word “Father,” or He could’ve said, “My Father,” but He didn’t. He said Our Father. God isn’t just the Father of Jesus, He’s yours and mine. We have the same right to come to Him as Jesus did because a high price was paid for it. The price was the life of His only Son and He paid it willingly for all of us.
Those two words have changed my life. It has changed the way I pray and the way I think. I completed the assignment going through the rest of the prayer. I had a deeper understanding of it than ever before but it all started with the first two words.
If, like me, your father wasn’t a good role model or maybe he was absent altogether, I’m willing to bet there has always been an empty place inside of you. I encourage you to try this assignment. I’ve talked with others in the class, and everyone came away with what they needed the most. Mine was knowing the love of God as my Father. As Jesus said: "This then is how you should pray:
Our Father,
who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name,
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not
Into temptation,
But deliver us from evil."
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301 N. Church Street, Suite 101
Moorestown, NJ 08057
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