There’s a book I read many years ago. It’s called “Hinds Feet on High Places.” It’s an allegory written about a little girl named, Much Afraid. Much Afraid was a member of the Fearing family. She had issues…some were physical but most of them were not. Her name says it all. Much Afraid worked for the Chief Shepherd who one day asked if she would like to go up the mountains to the High Places. He told her He would give her two companions to accompany her. Their names were Sorrow and Suffering. He said He would be with her all throughout her journey and she need only call out to Him and He would be there. In her heart, Much Afraid wanted to go but she was terrified of what could happen as she tried to climb with her disabilities, let alone hold the hands of Sorrow and Suffering. Her Fearing family tried to prevent her from going and almost succeeded but in the end she broke free of them and started the journey.
Much Afraid encountered many obstacles as she climbed up to the High Places. Her Fearing relatives pursued her and her worst fears became a reality. Several times she tried to drop the hands of Sorrow and Suffering but each time she did, the fears would attack. Every time she felt there was no way out, she called out to the Shepherd who came immediately to her side as He promised and His perfect love cast out all her fear.
Oh, how I identify with Much Afraid. I am that little girl who has been trying to climb the mountains of life to get to the High Places where there are no more tears. The difference between us is that for most of my life I have refused to hold the hands of Sorrow and Suffering. They’ve been with me all along but I felt that to embrace them would show weakness and admit defeat. What I didn’t realize was how much I needed them to reach the top. If you relate to this, you’ll know it’s not just a matter of embracing the pain and suffering in our lives but crying out to Jesus who will give us the strength to go through it.
Personally, I am experiencing a season of incredible loss. The grief is so intense that I don’t know how I’m going to get through it but when I look up and cry out to Jesus, I feel a comfort that I can’t explain. I don’t understand why everything is happening all at once, but I do know that God knew it was all going to happen and has been preparing me for this time even though I don’t feel it.
This week I flew out to Colorado. I have family here that I haven’t seen in eight years. We talked many times about me coming to visit but it never materialized until now. I was originally supposed to come last month but life happened and my trip was postponed. When I was on the plane, it felt surreal. My family has a home near the foothills of Pike’s Peak. If you go out on their deck, there is a spectacular view of the mountains. In fact, I took the picture posted in this post. On my second day here, I received the news that my dear friend had passed. That, with some other loss was too much to bear. I didn’t think I could handle it all. I went to the window and looked up at the mountains and I heard this verse, “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come from? It comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber” (Psalm 121:1-3). Is it a coincidence that I am here at this exact moment of time? What are the chances that I would be physically standing looking at one of the most breathtaking mountains in the country at a time of great sorrow and suffering?
I have gone out to look at those mountains many times this week when the grief was threatening to overwhelm me. It’s been hard to wrap my head around the fact that God loves and cares about me so much that He would orchestrate time and events just to comfort me but He did, and He does, and He will. Each time I look up at those mountains, it gives me hope.
In case you were wondering about Much Afraid, after a perilous journey, she reached the High Places where she was met by Jesus, the Chief Shepherd and Lover of her Soul. She still bore the scars of the journey but she was transformed. The Shepherd gave her a new name. She was now Grace and Glory. Her companions,
Sorrow and Suffering, also received new names. They were now called Joy and Peace. As she headed back down the mountain, she knew she’d never be the same. She was a new creation.
What I learned from this story was that Jesus always saw Much Afraid as the Grace and Glory she would become. That’s how He sees me. That’s how He sees you. Years ago He gave me a new name but it’s only been as I’ve held the hands of Sorrow and Suffering that I’ve seen it coming to pass. I am Freeindeed. What’s yours?
He who the Son has set free is freeindeed.” John 8:36
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