Recently I started having trouble with my knees. It came out of the blue. At first it was annoying but now it's become pure frustration.
It's made me think how easy it is to take certain things for granted. What used to be an automatic response such as standing up from a sitting position has become a well planned event.
It's also shown me how each part of our bodies were intricately designed to accomplish a purpose and when one part suffers, it affects all the rest.
So it is in life. Each one of us was created for a very specific reason and we were meant to work together to obtain the end result…a life well lived.
I've gone through seasons of life where I've tried to do it all myself and seasons where I've embraced the gifts of others and worked alongside them. The latter is where the load was lighter and my joy greater. There's wisdom in the verse that says:
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”
Ecclesiastes 4:9
Life happens. Our bodies fail. Disappointments come. Things can be out of our control. We can keep trying to do it all ourselves but we don't have to.
I don't know where this journey with my knees is going to take me but I know regardless that I can't let it define me. I have an important part to play and so do you. If you're feeling insignificant today, I encourage you to look around you and see how you can come alongside someone who could use the gift you have to offer. You were created for such a time as this.
Moorestown Location
301 N. Church Street, Suite 101
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Galloway NJ Location
733 E. Lily Lake Rd. Galloway, NJ 08205