I talk to God all day long. That's how I pray but today I was asked the question, why do I pray?
I pray when I don’t know what to do.
I’ve been a control freak my whole life. I don’t like the unknown. I like to know what I’m doing. I need a plan. Lately there have been many times that I’ve felt out of control. There are things I can’t fix or change so I pray until I can let it go.
I pray when I want answers.
Once again, wanting to have some kind of control. I've always felt if I had some kind of explanation, or understanding, I could deal with the circumstances better.
I pray when my heart aches.
My heart aches when I’m dealing with some kind of loss. It usually involves a relationship whether family or friend.
I pray when I’m lonely.
I’ve always been around people. I wouldn’t call myself an extrovert unless the situation calls for it, but I like being with others. I admire those who can go to a restaurant or to the movies and just enjoy themselves. That’s not me. I’m always aware of the empty seat beside me.
There are many verses in the Bible where God tell us we’re never alone. Psalm 23 says He is by my side. Isaiah tells us not to be afraid because He is with us. So, trying to keep that in mind, I pray when I’m lonely.
I pray when I need comfort.
When my heart is aching, I need comfort. Talking to God brings me comfort. Sometimes all I need to is just sit quietly. Other times I vent it all out.
I pray when I’m afraid.
I hate to say it but this is probably 85% of my prayers. Most of the time, I have nothing to substantiate my fears other than a feeling but I’m sure you know that when you live by your feelings, you give them power. That’s never a good thing.
I pray when others are suffering.
This is a hard one because it involves all of of the above. I hate suffering. I want to fix things and make everything better but there are times there’s nothing I can do. But, I can pray.
Why is it we think of prayer as our last resort? It should be the first thing we do in the morning and the last thing we do at night. We’re not talking to the air. Our words are not bouncing off the ceiling. They are being heard by God who is very much alive and loves us just as we are.
As I looked at my answers, I realized it was pretty one sided. Prayer is communication and communication involves both sides getting the chance to talk. Prayer is not just about pleading or begging, it's about having an honest conversation with God. It's about letting ourselves let it all hang out and not being afraid, ashamed or guilty. He knows how we feel. He knows our hearts and He loves us no matter what. He wants our conversations to be two sided but in order to do that, we have to sit and listen. I can't even imagine how many times I've missed what He's had to say. To be honest, sometimes I'm afraid to hear what He has to say because my prayers haven't always been answered the way I had hoped.
The Bible says that “the prayers of a righteous man are powerful and effective.” That's how I want to pray.
I have changes to make but in order to do that, I have to be willing to accept His answers even if they don't match my own…if not, I'm just wasting my breath.
Father, may I pray in faith knowing I can trust You with the outcome and grow in the knowledge that You are good and Your love never grows cold. Amen
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